In accordance with Articles 10 and 11 of Law 34/2002 of July 11th, Society’s Information and Electronic Commerce Services is available to users and visitors legal information on the entity that owns the website located at the Internet address HTTPS://SIRHENRY.RESTAURANT/




  1. Corporate name: HENRYS BISTRO S.L.U.
  2. Tax ID: No. B42907840
  4. Telephone: +34 689 16 86 66
  5. E-Mail:





CORRECT USE OF THE WEBSITE: The present terms and conditions regulate the access and the use of this website . The use of this website confers you the status of site user from the very moment that you access and start browsing this site, accessing any of its contents; from this very moment, the user expressly accepts the present general terms and conditions.

Likewise, the user accepts the specific conditions applicable to the different services offered by the company through the web.

From the moment of acceptance of these terms and conditions, the user commits to use this website and all its contents and services in accordance with the law, as well as the generally accepted rules of good practice and public order. Furthermore, the user agrees to act with the diligence corresponding to the nature of the services received through this website.




The entity reserves the right to unilaterally modify the present terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice. In this case the publication and the communication shall be made as far in advance as possible. Likewise, the entity reserves the right to unilaterally modify the design and the configuration of the website at any time and without prior notice.


The present legal notice only refers to the website and contents of the entity and does not apply to the links or websites of third parties that are accessible through the website. The entity is not reliable for the contents of the websites that are accessible through the links placed on the website of the entity, nor is it reliable for any link that appears on a site that may be reached through the website of the entity.


The entity is the exclusive holder of all the contents of this website, including but not limited to the graphical design, source code, logos, texts, graphs, illustrations, photos and other elements that appear on this site. Likewise, all trading names, trademarks or distinctive markings of any class contained on the website are protected by the Law on intellectual and industrial property. The holder of this website is the only entity who is entitled to exercise the rights to exploit the aforementioned intellectual property in any form, and especially the rights of reproduction, distribution and public communication. It is prohibited for the user to make any unauthorised total or partial use of the website and those contents of the site which are protected by the Law on intellectual and industrial property and belong to the holder of this site.

The entity reserves the right to carry on any type of legal action against any user that performs an action implying the reproduction, distribution, commercialisation, transformation (and in general any other form of exploiting all or part of the contents of this website), if this constitutes an infraction of the intellectual and industrial property rights of this websites’ holder.


For the purposes of these terms and conditions and for any communication that is necessary between the entity and the user, these should be sent to the e-mail address INFO@SIRHENRY.RESTAURANT. 

Communications between the entity and the user may be carried out on basis of the data provided by the user at the time of registry on the site. Concerning all the communications related to the use of this website and/or contracting of services offered herein, the user expressly accepts and acknowledges the use of e-mails as a valid procedure for forwarding such communications.


These general terms and conditions will be governed by the Spanish legislation, which will be applicable in all matters that are not covered in this contract concerning the interpretation, validity and execution hereof. The parties, expressly waiving the jurisdiction that may correspond to the same, submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Palma de Mallorca for any matter derived from the interpretation or execution of the present terms and conditions.




1.1 – For the purposes referred to in the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on personal data protection, the company HENRYS BISTRO S.L.U. informs the user/client about the existence of a file containing personal data. Based on the information collected through this website, the before mentioned file was created by and for the company HENRYS BISTRO S.L.U. under its own responsibility, for the purpose of giving information and providing the services offered by this website. This file is registered in the General Register of the Data Protection Agency.

1.2 The client expressly accepts that any data obtained while using the website, or which has been provided through filling out any forms that are contained therein, as well as any data resulting from any possible commercial relationship, may be included in an automated personal data file of the type described in section 1.1. During the process of data collection and on all pages of this website where personal data is asked for, the client will be informed with the help of a hyperlink or an explicit mention in the form itself about the compulsory or optional character of the recollection of such data. Every client that decides to register on the website of our company will be asked for those data that are necessary to fulfil the purposes of this company.

1.3 With respect to the data collected in the manner provided in the preceding paragraph, the client may exercise his rights according to the Organic Law 15/1999 on personal data protection, and in particular his right to access, rectify, cancel and object to such data. Likewise, he may withdraw his consent for the transfer of the collected data or the treatment of these data for any of the uses described above. Any client may exercise his rights referred to in the previous paragraph with the help of a cancellation request form that has to be requested from us by e-mail. The written and signed form together with a copy of the client’s identity document shall be sent by postal mail to the following address: company HENRYS BISTRO S.L.U. with coprorate address in   C/ GRAN VIA PUIG MASSANELLA Nº 4-6, 07183 SANTA PONSA, BALEARES

1.4 The company HENRYS BISTRO S.L.U. informs hereby its clients that if a CLIENT wishes to register at the website , he will be asked for a series of data that must necessarily be filled in, as it is described above. If the client fails to submit the obligatory information, than the registration on the website will not be effective. It shall be the obligation of any client to ensure that the submitted information is accurate and up-to-date.

1.5 With regard to the personal data collected in the above mentioned file, the company HENRYS BISTRO S.L.U commits to respect the confidentiality of these data and to use them in accordance with the purpose of the file. Likewise, it commits to comply with its obligation to safeguard these data and to take all measures to prevent the alteration, loss, unauthorized access or treatment of the data, in accordance with the regulations set forth in the Royal Decree 1720/2007, which approves the implementation of the regulations of the LOPD.

1.6 The client may exercise his rights according to the Organic Law 15/1999, in particular his right to access, rectify, cancel and object to such data, where applicable. This may be done by sending in a request letter via traditional post or e-mail. The written and signed form together with a copy of the client’s identity document shall be sent by postal mail to the following address: C/ GRAN VIA PUIG MASSANELLA Nº 4-6, 07183 SANTA PONSA, BALEARES. If the clients wishes to exercise his above described right per e-mail, the same information has to be filled out and sent to the following e-mail address together with a copy of the client’s identity document: INFO@SIRHENRY.RESTAURANT.

1.7 The collected personal data will also be used to handle, manage, provide, expand and improve the services offered to our clients:

– In case of a subscription to the newsletter distribution list, the client’s personal data will be used for the sole purpose of managing the delivery of the newsletter.

– In case of authorising the reception of promotional information about our services and products, your personal data will be used for the sole purpose of sending the promotional information by traditional or electronic means. In the case of the electronic e-mail addresses or the website contact form, the data that you provide to us per e-mail or through the form will be used exclusively to respond to the queries that you convey to us by these means.

All of which is in accordance with the provisions set forth in article 22.1 and 22.2 of the Law 34/2002 from July 11 on services of the information society and e-commerce (modified by article 4 of the Royal Decree-Law 13/2012 in its new drafting).

1.8 The entity guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data. Notwithstanding this, the entity will submit to the competent public authorities any personal data or other information in its possession or accessible through its systems which may be required in compliance with legal provisions and regulations applicable to the case. Even after the relationship established through the website has terminated, personal data may be kept in the files owned by HENRYS BISTRO S.L.U.  exclusively for the purposes indicated above and, in any case, within the legally established time limits for putting the collected personal data at the disposal of the administrative or judicial authorities.


In accordance with the provisions set forth in article 22.2 of the Law 34/2002 from July 11 on services of the information society and e-commerce (LSSI), the entity HENRYS BISTRO S.L.U. with tax ID No. (CIF/NIF) B42907840, holder/administrator of the website HTTPS://SIRHENRY.RESTAURANT/, with registered address in C/ GRAN VIA PUIG MASSANELLA Nº 4-6, 07183 SANTA PONSA, BALEARES and e-mail-address INFO@SIRHENRY.RESTAURANT; 

The entity expressly informs the user that this website  uses first-party and third-party cookies to enhance user’s interaction experience and the way services are received on this site. When browsing or using our services the user expressly accepts our use of cookies. Notwithstanding that, the user has the possibility to block and eliminate the cookies by selecting the corresponding option on the browser that is being used. If the user blocks the use of cookies in his/her browser, this may have the consequence that some of the services and functionalities of the website will not be available.

  1. A) First-party (own) cookies: These are cookies that are sent to the terminal equipment of the user from an equipment or domain managed by the administrator, i.e. from where the services requested by the user are provided.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a file which is downloaded from a website and which certain webs send to the browser of the user. These files are than stored in the user’s terminal equipment, which may be a personal computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc. These files allow the website to remember information about the user’s visit, such as language and his/her preferred options. This enables the website to recover information about browsing from the user’s equipment in order to ease subsequent visits and make the website more useful for the user by customising its content.

How are cookies being used?

When browsing on this website users accept cookies to be installed in their terminal, which allows us to obtain the following information:

  • Statistical information about the web use.
  • User’s login in order to keep the web session active.
  • Preferred web format when browsing from mobile devices.
  • Last searches performed when using the services offered on the website, as well as data about the personalisation of these services.
  • Information about advertisements shown to the user.
  • Information about surveys the user has completed.
  • Data about the connection to social networks (for users who access using their Facebook or Twitter account).

How to manage cookies in your browser?

Users have the possibility to allow, block or delete cookies installed in their equipment by means of configuring the settings of the browser installed in their terminal:

How to manage cookies on PCs

If you would like to allow the use of cookies on our website, please follow these instructions:

Google Chrome

  1. When you open the browser, go to ‚Tools‘ at the top of your browser window and select the ‚Options‘ tab.
  1. Within ‚Options‘ click ‚Privacy‘.
  1. Select ‚Allow the use of cookies‘.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0

  1. When you open the browser, go to ‚Tools‘ at the top of your browser window and select the ‚Options‘ tab.
  1. Ensure that your ‚Privacy‘ security level is set to medium or below.
  1. If the Internet settings are not set to medium level than the cookies will be blocked.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. When you open the browser, go to ‚Tools‘ at the top of your browser window and select the ‚Options‘ tab.
  1. Select the ‚Privacy‘ icon.
  1. Click ‚Cookies‘ and select ‚Allow sites to set cookies‘.


  1. When you open the browser, go to ‚Tools‘ at the top of your browser window and select the ‚Options‘ tab.
  1. Click the ‚Security‘ tab and revise if the option ‚Block third-party and advertising cookies‘ is selected or not.
  1. Click ‚Save‘.

Installation of cookies on Macs

If you are using a Mac and would like to allow the access of our cookies to your computer, please follow these instructions:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 for Mac OS X

  1. Go to ‚Explorer‘ and select ‚Preferences‘ on the navigation bar.
  1. Scroll down until you see ‚Cookies‘ just below ‚Receiving files‘.
  1. Select the ‚Never ask‘ option.

Safari for Mac OS X

  1. Go to ‚Safari‘ and select ‚Preferences‘ on the navigation bar.
  1. Click the ‚Security‘ tab and select the option ‚Allow cookies‘.
  1. Select the option ‚Only from site you navigate to‘.

Mozilla and Netscape for Mac OS X

  1. Click on ‚Mozilla‘ or ‚Netscape‘ at the top of your browser window and select the ‚Preferences‘ option.
  1. Scroll down until you see ‚Cookies‘ just below ‚Privacy and Security‘.
  1. Select ‚Enable cookies for the originating web site only‘.


  1. Click on ‚Menu‘ at the top of your ‚Opera‘ browser window and select ‚Settings‘ on the navigation bar.
  1. Select ‚Preferences‘ and click the ‚Advanced‘ tab.
  1. Select the ‚Accept cookies‘ option. If you block the use of cookies in your browser, this may have the consequence that some of the services and functionalities of the website will not be available.

In order to get a more precise control on privacy, in some browsers specific rules can be set to manage cookies for determined websites. This means that cookies can be deactivated in all sites except for those that the user trusts.

Puig de Massanella Local 4-6

07180 Calviá | Santa Ponsa


+34 606 553 525


TUE – FRI from 4:30pm to 11pm
SAT + SUN from 12:30 pm to 11pm